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Is it possible to grow root vegetables like potatoes and onions in a Tower Garden?

Can I grow root veggies in a Tower Garden?

Today we will discuss; can I grow root veggies in a Tower Garden? And the answer is YES! But unfortunately, most root crops such as carrots, potatoes, onions, and garlic do not grow in a Tower Garden. 

However, some root vegetables such as beets, radishes, and fennel can do very well in Tower Garden technology. But with radishes for example, it is one radish per port. So even though it will work, and it will be the best tasting radish of your life!! That is precious real estate used for one single radish.  

You can choose from over 150 nutrient-rich crops to grow in your Tower Garden. But please note that bushes, trees, and grape vines are not to be grown on a Tower Garden.  

In conclusion, with the exception of fennel, the root vegetables that can be grown on a Tower Garden are not recommended due to the low crop yield. However, for the backyard enthusiasts or if you have space in your commercial grow, making tests is always fun. Please share your experiences with us and check ours. Come and see Apple! To date, the biggest aeroponic radish ever grown.  

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